Evolutions and crisis of modern societies. Manifestations and consequences of current economic processes in modern societies, the reasons for the rise and fall of those societies. Evolution’s regularities and the historical condition of the transformations that are taking place, which can be a form of truth based on empires, tendencies and theoretical hypotheses. Degenerative processes are destroying socio-economic ways and relationships, lead to cumulative points, putting societies in front of far-reaching dilemmas and normally, they must legally result in change. The evolutionary processes caused and followed by the crisis and which in turn lead to pre-existing, positive changes.
Finally, processes that also take place in crisis spasms, but lead to new constellations. All this means, processes change in their own way and lead to the new perspectives, to new solutions and relations, but it also implies new crises. The political, human, ethical, and other aspects of warfare, the arms race, and military training are well known. Insecurity and fear in people act in a remarkable and unique way. What are the economic reasons for the fantastic growth of the military industry and what are the economic consequences that follow? It depends on which aspect we look at them. How do the size and characteristics of the economy, which works for the whole military, affect the economies of individual countries, international economic relations and development? Aggressive national policies have discussed and highlighted the characteristics of the military economy on a national, and through it, global scale.
Today, the specifications of economies operating for military purposes, especially in some more developed countries, increasingly dictate the moves and relations on the national and world political scene. That is the far-sightedness and dramatic nature of change. The amount of funds spent for military purposes since 1970, exceeds the total world product from 1900, until now. If this dynamic continues, soon after, resources that exceed the total world product from 1900 until now, would be wasted. The relative share of this world’s production intended for military forces, is three times higher by 2010 than it was in 1913, when the great powers were in the midst of armaments and preparations for an imminent great war. The actual volume of funds intended for military purposes during this century has increased by over 20 times. About 8 billion dollars has been spent on military purposes since World War I. The total data for those purposes in 1908 was over 9 billion, in 1975 rose to 213.8 billion dollars, and now they exceed everything that the working class people earn together, per month.
It has always been known that military production brings disproportionate profits. That is why war is often good for those businessmen who know how to use it. The essential change now is that part of the economy has managed, not only to benefit from military production, for which other factors have decided, but also to impose such a volume of armaments, which is usually considered to a greater extent, and sometimes excessively, exceeds the real needs of the potential and legitimate the national and global defense.